Congratulations to Enfield canteen staff, Mirtill Silko (pictured left) and Szilvia Nagy (pictured right), who have successfully passed their Food Safety and Hygiene for Catering course.
Health and safety are of utmost importance to the ongoing safety of our customers and staff – particularly during the coronavirus pandemic,” said JJ’s Learning and Development Manager, Jaz Sandhu.
The Level 2 Food Hygiene is designed to help anyone who handles, prepares or serves food to uphold best practice standards regarding food safety hazards, temperatures, storage, preparation, hygiene and cleaning.
“Both ladies passed with flying colours and we’d like to say well done!”
JJ has invested in making its branches a COVID safe environment with appropriate signage, screens, regular cleaning, and social distancing in force across all branches.
#devellopment #MirtillSilko #healthandsafety #training #catering #FoodSafetyandHygiene #SzilviaNagy #JazSandhu