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How JJ Dads Spend Father's Day

Updated: Feb 22

From hearty Italian pasta to traditional roast dinner and an exotic South American feast! Three of our very own JJ dads reveal their perfect Father’s Day meal

Cenk's ideal day

Cenk runs our credit control department and has been a part of the family since 2001.

Master of the BBQ, Cenk is always in his element cooking, however, on Father's Day he prefers to be pampered with a roast dinner cooked for him "with beef and chicken, crispy roast potatoes, carrots, sweetcorn and mushrooms mixed with onions.

"And don't forget the stuffing and Yorkshire puddings with gravy! Nothing beats a home cooked roast dinner made with love," he says.

Of course, that is, after a long family walk to the park with his two dogs.

Things become competitive later on, as his new Father's Day tradition is to play a board game to round off the day. "My youngest son's favourite is Monopoly as he's mastered the game and ends up with all of the money and hotels," says Cenk.

"It's three hours of torture for the rest of the family when he's on a winning streak with a huge smile on his face. But I wouldn't change that for anything."

Shop our products to make your loved ones a roast dinner this Father's Day.

Segundo's Peruvian spread

Segundo is a crucial member of our quality assurance team, and always brings some South American energy to our JJ HQ.

Spending time with his family planning a fun day out is Segundo's ideal way to spend Father's Day, however one year he would love to go camping near a lake and make a campfire in the forest, he says.

Revelling in the flavours of his native country, his favourite dish is Tacacho con Cecina – a traditional Peruvian meal typically served for breakfast.

Cecina being a slice of pork meat that has been salted and seasoned in various spices, then hung in the open air to dry for a few days, before smoking near a charcoal fire. Served alongside Tacacho, a combination of mashed plantain, lard, salt and small pieces of pork rind, rolled into a ball.

He also adores squid ceviche, and JJ IQF squid tubes, which he says are perfect to make your own ceviche.

Shop the ingredients here.

Armando's Spanish supper

Armando's Spanish spirit is projected throughout the purchasing department in our Enfield HQ, negotiating with suppliers to bring the freshest fruits and vegetables to our range.

With a baby girl due next month, Armando is making the most of this Father's Day with his two-year-old son.

Planning to visit a local wildlife park and swimming pool, Armando will be kept on his toes with a fun-filled day of activities, before heading home to cook a delicious meal.

The perfect Father's Day meal is a hearty plate of pasta with some fresh prawns and aromatic pesto.

Our black tiger prawns are the perfect shellfish to use in this dish, and their meaty texture coated with pesto is a taste of the Mediterranean in your mouth.

Shop our ingredients here to make this dish at home.


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